you're going on a journey
a journey through memory all you have to
do is follow my voice
we're closed i know i'm sorry it's late
we have time for one more job
when the waters began to rise and war
broke out
nostalgia became a way of life
there wasn't a lot to look forward to
so people began looking back
nothing is more addictive than the
put me back past me back
she has moved on and you should too
people don't just
vanish to find where she'd gone i had to
know where she'd been
where is he where is she
arson bribery murder people love their
don't go down this path stay here in
this life
i've turned the blind eye to plenty i
have to do this
that machine of yours how close can you
before the illusion's broken
you're going on a journey all you have
to do is follow my voice
no kids allowed on the beach
we never leave each other nothing
separates us
are we there yet you said five minutes
it's been more than five minutes let's
just all start slowing down
wow you believe i found this online i
guess it's not that secret of beast
who would leave this from the hotel
they're so rusted
what's happening found stuff from the
hotel in the sun
what happened to her mom i don't know
what happened to her body has decomposed
how quickly can that happen seven years
but she just died
wait where are the kids cara come here
hey have you seen my children mom i'm
right here
dad why are you looking at me like that
what's happening to us
my daughter just turned six two weeks
whatever's happening to us is happening
very fast you have wrinkles
there's something wrong with this beach
what's happening
we have to get off this beach people are
blacking out going this way
if she makes it to the ledge she might
have a chance oh she's stopping
what's she stopping can i wake up wake
they have to know what this place does i
don't know you're a liar look
what is that a message we never leave
each other
nothing separates us we're connected to
something bigger
oh no we're here for a reason
to show
we have watched
unguided we have helped them
unseen them accomplish
throughout the years we have never
until now
thank you for this oh you are so now
that captain rogers and iron man are
both gone
who do you think's gonna lead the
i could lead them
we were lucky to get out of those escape
rooms alive i need to know that the
criminals who killed the four people in
front of me
are held accountable hiding in plain
sight in the middle of manhattan
we need to stop them i'm in
i know this is a lot to ask but thank
you for coming with me
hey what the hell is going on
no no no it's happening again you guys
have played the game before
so what is this like a tournament of
look we all know how this works we
solved the puzzles or we died
ah most advertising must be pulled this
ad yourself is missing an e
so maybe we pull the corresponding
handles with a missing letter
come on we don't have time
this is way bigger than last time gotta
try something right
yes there's a special reason each of us
i can't feel physical pain just imagine
the kinds of puzzles they came up with
for me
take a picture it will last longer get
some clues this looks just like the
lighthouse on the postcard
it's over i'm done running we can beat
them at their own game
what makes you think they're gonna let
you walk away free again
not ever
we need it we made it
i don't understand we're still in the
ugh what is up with this game at least
the vip stacks are on point
these guys just aren't true athletes
like us
these champions could really do with
some shooting tips from yosemite fan
on second thought maybe not according to
lebron football fans think this is the
biggest game in the world bigger than
our game against the goon squad in july
no we uh we uh who are they kidding not
a chance
welcome to the space jam
when all hope seems lost
when heroes are needed more than ever
a dog actually sir i'm a puppy
that's even worse you're in shock so i'm
not gonna take that personally
this summer another perfect rescue the
worldwide phenomenon
will be unleashed on the big screen
paw patrol what's your emergency my name
is liberty we need your help
humdinger he's going to destroy
adventure city
come on pups adventure city's in trouble
welcome to our new headquarters this
is so cool there's even a new and
improved pup treat dispenser
what it's a beautiful thing
no dog by order of the new mayor he's
more of a cat person
ladies and gentlemen and most
importantly influencers with over 10
we've got to rescue those people let's
get to work
paw patrol is on a roll are you
kidding me i got this get out of the way
move you gotta know how to talk to
now go let's kick the tires and fight
some fires
cowboys motorcycle deploy
this is what we do no city's too big
no pups too small
the boy wedding drone
should i pecker our snowshoes what
people do that
you know fun fact not only is it the
oldest but remains one of the most
effective means of traversing the ice
wow yeah you're gonna fit right in at
beaver field
everything here is a little
questionable ranger the people
the weather everything oh
creature you look like you just ain't a
well the roads are out and something's
wrong with the generator which generator
all of them think it on the internet uh
also there's a dead body under your
holy crap
probably a wolf would you like a wolf
detective del marcus
who knows who oh when
he's gonna kill next
i think we can all agree that it's
unsafe outside their safety in numbers
out of curiosity who is packing
well we're having a good old-fashioned
sleepover with guns though with guns yes
everything about this predator is
unorthodox it's not human
it's not canine
how did they get out
he says he got out
maybe i'm a werewolf maybe you're a
maybe you're a werewolf you're a
werewolf you're aware
are we really in a mexican standoff
right now baby don't say mexican
just stand up
you know we're probably just gonna head
out just pull it here
oh and it's just straight you go ahead
please don't spare me oh please
oh please
please don't bother the luck oh damn i
could have gotten
when you're alone and life is making you
lonely you can
always go downtown
when you've got troubles all the noise
in the hurry seems to help i
know downtown
just listen to the music of the traffic
in the city
linger on the sidewalks where the neon
signs are
pretty how can you lose
the lights are much brighter there
you can forget all your troubles
things will be gray when you're
everyone's waiting for you
keep leaving ghosts
okay none of you are my child has anyone
seen miriah
we are fighting a war 30 years in the
this is a joke our enemy is not human
we need you to fight you got drafted
i will be back why is this happening
what about the teachers deferment
and the veterans deferment if i don't go
they're going to draft you in my place
but if something does happen to me you
and miri will be taken care of
if something happens to you dan 70
of draftees do not return sometimes a
man does what's best for his family
not himself remove your shirt please
then what's this for
you just test oh a seat belt was it a
driving test
no you don't have jokes in the future
this device facilitates your jump to and
from the future war
one minute to jump i'll hear everybody
take that
please look around like that are you so
calm a long story
yeah it's military yeah
kind of a short story i guess three two
in 11 months time all human beings in
the future will be wiped from the face
of the earth
unless you help us
i was trying to save my daughter if i
got to save the world to save her then
i'm gonna do it
this is the end the human species will
disappear from the face of the earth
we are literally living on borrow time
there's still a chance that we can stop
this war from ever happening
so we gotta fight
well it's nice knowing you
cause some people want us
when you push me by the boobs i could
hear the little boy inside of you
mommy please don't die i don't think
that's what i was screaming
let's go do what we do and blow some
things up them to like dr chambers
what you have separate torture children
mark my words and
here we go
where is your shirt hi
oh god sorry frank sorry strong form
my name is dr lily houghton my brother
and i are looking for passage upriver
what's out there in the jungle it's not
a fun vacation well i'm not here for a
legend has it that there is a tree that
possesses unparalleled healing power it
will change medicine
forever and you need someone to help you
find it here we go
sometimes it just needs a bit of a
nobody touches my engine but me
what did i just there you go
we're gonna do this together haven't you
been dreaming about adventure
she was always chasing after some
far-fetched idea
do you want to turn back nope just
getting started
the court accepts the existence of god
every time a witness swears to tell the
i think it's about time they accept the
existence of the devil
you okay there jesus
i think i hurt someone in 1981
arne johnson pled not guilty
we think this family was cursed
by reason of demonic possession i am not
going before a grand jury and saying he
was possessed by
demons never happened
that day that was not morning
me your color darling
off your color chart
i know who you are
lorraine all right
you are an infinite
evan mccauley
diagnosed with schizophrenia at 14.
after carving the words look inside into
your chest
with a box cutter look inside
why those words
which one of these is yours
look you could skip the whatever the
hell this is because none of that is
was it yours i don't know what you're
talking about anyway
jesus every time you say i don't know
it's trigger guess pull is it yours
look i don't know are you out of mine
last chance evan is
this yours
hello old friend
oh get in
this isn't your first life evan
you are an infinite
you've lived
and died
a thousand times
we're talking about reincarnation
you can remember who were
you will understand who you can become
i always have the same dream
and there's three palm trees like
three really tall friends
but then i'm alone by the ocean
dreams ain't real
today things will be different
somehow that voice inside knows
there's a storm coming
hello jesse
come over here who's responsible
for my misery
you scared to die greg ain't you i guess
you ain't hurting me
i'm already dead life's a lot like them
sometimes we feel like there ain't no
rhyme or reason
pain doesn't be further from the truth
so you two need a little help
i will give you the best possible chance
of getting pregnant
how does that sound that sounds great
am i going to be one of those women who
has it all my career or my kids
my old man by my side who are you
calling old
you are 100 pregnant
welcome to the family
how are you a little crazy i am
seeing things honey me too i'm having
the wildest mommy brain lately
i don't i don't think it's mommy brain
i think doctor did something
i think there ain't on it
in on what
that handle gives me a bad feeling i
want to see someone
more natural
there's a lot of voodoo out there we
just want to make sure that you get the
best possible care
confront whatever it is that's blocking
from you i'm not crazy they're trying to
make me think i'm crazy
hey this pregnancy [ __ ] is no joke
right okay it's really scary
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